Blog Posts

Stop worrying

A worker in a refrigeration company one night entered a huge refrigeration container to do routine work. The door accidentally closed leaving him trapped inside. He screamed for hours in desperation. Inside the container, he began to feel colder and weaker. Using his tools, he wrote on the wall of…

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A very wealthy man whose little son enjoyed the comforts of their lovely mansion took him through a very poor village to spend a day to give him a feeling of what poverty is. When they returned, the dad asked his son what he saw.   The boy said, “I…

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A Thank You Note

It is indeed a pleasure to thank all my beloved readers. I’m taking time off to thank all of you for your great love and support throughout the year. I adore you all regardless of our identity, complexion, ethnicity, backgrounds, gender, cultures, for in the end we’re all equal and…

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Society and Election

There is no doubt about it that the present-day society faces many serious problems which go on multiplying day by day. There are deep inter-party dissensions, social rifts, ethnic bickerings and economic divides. These are, in fact, unsolvable because these are in-built and hence, social scientists call them structural defects…

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