Blog Posts

A time to press the pause button

In today’s world of instant multitasking, mental, psychological plus physical draining is inevitable, that it’s no wonder we often feel the emotion ‘enough is enough!’ It’s difficult to prioritise these tasks as exigencies crop up, competing with work deadlines that weigh one down. Simultaneously, surprise callers/visitors expect immediate attention, and…

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Creation of God


One Sunday morning, a wealthy man sat in his balcony enjoying sunshine and his coffee. When a little Ant caught his eye, which was going from one side to the other side of the balcony carrying a big leaf several times more than its size. The man watched it for…

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Thinking (poem)

If you think you are beaten, you are;If you think you dare not, you don’t.If you’d like to win, but you think you can’t,It is almost certain you won’t. If you think you’ll lose, you’ve lost;For out in this world we findSuccess begins with a fellow’s willIt’s all in the…

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Does God Exists?

A man went to a barber shop to have his hair and his beard cut as always. He started to have a good conversation with the barber who attended him. They talked about so many things and various subjects. suddenly, they touched the subject of God. The barber said: “Look…

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Nothing is permanent

Nothing is permanent in life, not even the present menacing Covid-19 pandemic. The only permanent thing is change! Fame, riches, poverty, happiness, sorrows, troubles, difficulties, diseases, jobs and relationships, forms and substances, people and objects, and even you and me are transient. Change is an inevitable reality in life whether…

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Money Mistakes

This morning as I was on my way to work, I received a very informative whatsApp message from my mentor which i would want to share with my readers. Before that, have you ever wonder where all your money goes right after payday? Spending money is way too easy. It…

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Busyness Business

Once I asked my colleague “Hey, are you free?” I got reply “I’m very busy”. (We all know that when someone asks this question, this is only one possible answer) . Then in my mind  “Are you genuinely busy or are you fake busy?”  So-called busyness. We are not nearly…

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